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The Dream Team is a group of incredible people that have discovered their gifts and passions and are actively serving in them.


The mission of the Dream Team is to build the body of Christ by each person fulfilling their calling and serving to make an eternal difference. 

join the
dream team

Take the next step in joining the Dream Team by getting started on the Growth Track. The Growth Track is designed to equip you to live life as a fully-devoted follower of Christ—from learning the essentials of our faith to discovering and fulfilling your God-given purpose.

step one

Connect to the Church

Connect with RCC and discover the ins and outs of the church, learn details about beliefs, leadership and church government, how we handle money, and how we intentionally organize our church. You will also have the opportunity to become a member of River City Church.



step two

Discover your Design

Dive into the details of your personality, discover your gifts, and begin the journey of discovering your purpose in life and how you can make a difference in the lives of others.






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step three

Develop your Leadership

Find out what it means to make a difference with RCC and connect to the opportunities available at RCC to live out your purpose and serve others by using your God-given gifts.






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