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“…like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither and in everything they do, they prosper.”

Psalm 1:3b

Forest Trees
Are you:
  • interested in partaking more fully in the abundant life God intends for you regardless of your circumstances?


Would you like to:
  • increase your joy and productivity in life?

  • feel more confident you are moving in sync with the divine design God had in mind when he created you?


Sign Up for A Coaching Session Today!



Meet Cher

I committed my life to Jesus as a 12-year-old and have been on life’s journey with Him since then. I have a love relationship with Christ and see myself as His Beloved and hold Him as My Beloved as in the Song of Solomon. I have found Jesus to be faithful in so many ways that I seek to help others grow in their relationship with Him through partnering with them in a coaching relationship.


I am a Board Certified Coach with a Career Coaching Specialization through The Center for Credentialing Education and a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach.​


I’ve also been married to Frank Yazvac for 43 years and see him as my beloved too


Hi! I’m Pastor Tracy Bradford. I have been through many big life transitions and have found God to be a faithful rock and guide through each one. As a certified professional life coach through Transformation Academy, it’s my pleasure to utilize my training, life experiences, and over two decades of pastoral counseling to coach people through life transitions and live an abundant life in Christ. Relying on the Holy Spirit to lead our partnership, I welcome the opportunity to work with you to accomplish goals and help you live your life with the purpose as God has uniquely designed you.  

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